Front End Projects

Some front-end web development projects using HTML, JavaScript and CSS

Many PacMen

Generate as many Pacmen as you want. They show up in random positions and chomp away in random directions.
Week 7 Project

Eye Movement

See the eyes follow your mouse movents (or finger). A project from Week 8 of MIT Full Stack Program.

Live Bus Tracking

See the current locations of all the busses on Boston's Route 1. Using Mapbox to show 15 second updates between MIT and Harvard. Week 9 project.

Bouncing Balls

Using the "factory" from Week 7 of MIT Full Stack Program as well as timers and boundary detection from weeks 2 & 3.

Pac Man

Make PacMan move!
Dot eating in a future update.

A week 4 project.

Big Data

Searching, manipulating and displaying a data file with over 20,000 lines of information, while keeping page load time down.